Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Herman
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to Herman,
Happy birthday to me..
Thank you...!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
You know, when I was studying in Canada, I was treated so much better in Canada than in Malaysia.
What's the difference? I am a student in Canada, where I was treated like a citizen there (first class). I am a citizen in Malaysia where I was treated like a second class.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
There are a lot of rubbish being said by the politicians nowadays. I wonder, to become a politician, do you need some papers to back you up?
People were telling me (long long time ago), that you will need to study hard, and get a degree in order to get a good paying job...etc. Apparently, in Malaysia, I still think that the "theory" is not applicable at all, because what I see is a bunch of under-qualified (err... or should I say, not qualified?) politicians, governing us Malaysians, and still make tonnes of money, even more than what I am earning now. DAMN!
So, if you are not doing good in your studies, never mind, just join the politics and you'll be able to become a millionaire in no time.
Trust me, you can do that in Malaysia...
For more information, check it out at (Patrick Teoh's blog)
My new job!
I've changed job about 5 months ago, and soon after I've changed to this job (currently a product support engineer) I have been traveling extensively! Wow, it's great since it gives me a lot of exposure. I've been to HK, Macao, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, France and eastern part of Malaysia. Cool eh? Yea, I loved it too.
My current company deals with meter. (check out But I am in the water department, and mainly I am supporting on AMR/AMI System.
I so love my job now!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Dr Zambry: I’ll keep doing my job
IPOH: Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said he will only stop “working” when the courts decide he is not the legal mentri besar of Perak.
Speaking at the opening of the Perak Property Expo Friday morning, he said, “People ask me how I can keep on smiling or laughing.”
“Well, why not? There is no need to be too worried. I just continue to work,” he said.
The Court of Appeal is expected to decide Friday evening on Dr Zambry’s appeal against a High Court decision which had ruled that Pakatan Rakyat’s Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was the state’s rightful mentri besar.
“My work was entrusted to me and so I must carry on,” he said.
I especially like this phrase that he said "... Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said he will only stop “working” when the courts decide he is not the legal mentri besar of Perak...."
I thought the court already decided that he's NOT the legal one, but Nizar is? But he went on with the appeal!!
So, if the second time, court pronounced Nizar to be the legal MB again, and this guy will go to appeal again, and again, and again... it's never ending story! He will not stop working, because the cycle continues.
If he hasn't found another job yet, just say so lah... we're still able to give him some money to survive one. Even beggar is better than him. Sigh...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Melayu peluk babi
I am not sure if I am too pissed off with the current situation in Malaysia, or I am just being a fuck-head.
I read this news Melayu peluk babi
TAIPING: Cetek pengetahuan agama dan percayakan khurafat menyebabkan segelintir umat Islam sanggup membelai dan memeluk babi hutan semata-mata untuk mendapatkan tuah, termasuk memenangi hadiah utama judi nombor ekor, sekali gus meraih kekayaan segera.First of all, what is wrong with pig?
Perbuatan jahil itu yang semakin menarik minat orang Melayu dari dalam dan luar negeri ini dilakukan di sebuah kuil di kaki bukit berhampiran sebuah pasar raya terkemuka dekat sini.
Mereka datang untuk mencuba nasib biarpun perbuatan itu dilaknat Tuhan.
Difahamkan, kuil berkenaan memang dikenali di kalangan masyarakat Cina dan India hingga ada yang datang dari jauh, termasuk Singapura untuk melihat tarikan utamanya iaitu kehadiran babi hutan 30 hingga 50 ekor pada satu-satu masa di kawasan khas setiap malam.
Malah, keunikan kuil berkenaan pernah disiarkan dalam satu program saluran televisyen berbayar beberapa bulan lalu hingga menyaksikan pertambahan pengunjungnya saban hari.
Majoriti pengunjung hanya mempunyai satu tujuan iaitu membawa slip nombor ekor, geran kenderaan, wang kertas yang digunakan untuk membeli nombor ekor untuk diusapkan ke badan babi hutan terbabit kerana percaya ia mampu membawa tuah, termasuk memenangi hadiah utama judi nombor ekor.
Yang menyedihkan, kepercayaan itu menular di kalangan orang Melayu di daerah ini sebelum merebak ke luar Perak.
Seorang penduduk, Abdul Karim Yusop, 51, ketika ditemui Harian Metro berkata kegiatan itu semakin menjadi-jadi sejak awal tahun ini.
“Saya tidak kisah ia dilakukan golongan bukan Islam, tetapi kesal apabila seorang rakan bukan Islam memaklumkan ada orang Melayu turut melakukannya.
“Rakan saya bertanya adakah perbuatan menyentuh babi itu dibenarkan dalam agama Islam dan saya memberitahunya ia perbuatan berdosa bagi umat Islam.
“Mendengar jawapan saya, dia terkejut dan memberitahu terdapat ramai orang Melayu menyentuh dan memeluk babi hutan di kuil berkenaan,” katanya.
Dia yang tidak berpuas hati kemudian ke kuil berkenaan kira-kira dua minggu lalu dan mengucap panjang apabila melihat beberapa orang Melayu terselit di kalangan pengunjung bukan Islam sedang mengusap babi hutan.
Abdul Karim yang tinggal di Gunung Semanggol, tidak jauh dari kuil berkenaan, berkata dia mengetahui individu terbabit orang Melayu apabila salam diberikannya disambut mereka.
“Apabila saya cuba bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai perbuatan itu, mereka mengelak sebelum beredar. Saya sedih kerana percaya ramai lagi orang Melayu, terutama dari luar negeri ini datang melakukan perbuatan terkutuk dan berdosa besar itu.
“Justeru, saya berharap Jabatan Agama Islam Perak menyiasat kerana risau jika dibiarkan berlarutan ia boleh menyebabkan akidah umat Islam tergugat,” katanya.
Dakwaan Abdul Karim menarik minat wartawan Harian Metro yang meninjau ke kuil berkenaan baru-baru ini selama sehari suntuk bersama jurugambar dengan menyamar sebagai pengunjung.
Terbukti, kehadiran orang Melayu di kuil berkenaan bukan perkara asing terutama di kalangan petugasnya.
Jumlah pengunjung mula bertambah mulai jam 7.30 malam apabila babi dari hutan berhampiran mula memenuhi kawasan khas yang disediakan.
Selain kereta, beberapa bas pelancong termasuk dari Singapura kelihatan hingga menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas di jalan utama memasuki ke kuil berkenaan, manakala pihak kuil turut menjual nasi lemak yang dibuat khas untuk diberikan kepada babi.
Kira-kira jam 9.30 malam, perhatian wartawan mula terarah kepada dua lelaki Melayu yang datang dan kelihatan di tangan mereka beberapa keping kertas dipercayai slip nombor ekor.
Tanpa membuang masa, dua lelaki terbabit menuju ke arah beberapa ekor babi berhampiran mereka sebelum mengusapnya dengan kertas di tangan mereka.
Sebaik berbuat demikian, mereka terus beredar dan apabila dihampiri wartawan yang bertanyakan mengenai perbuatan mereka, ini jawapan mereka:
“Apa salahnya mencuba nasib. Saya dengar ada orang kena nombor ekor hingga ratusan ribu ringgit apabila mengusap kertas nombor ekor atau wang digunakan untuk membeli nombor ekor kepada badan babi itu,” kata seorang daripada mereka sebelum beredar.
Kepercayaan karut itu dan kehadiran orang Islam di kuil berkenaan diakui beberapa pekerja di kuil terbabit sambil memberi contoh antara 100 pengunjung yang datang, 10 daripadanya orang Melayu.
“Semua itu (kepercayaan memegang babi membawa tuah) terpulang kepada diri masing-masing. Kami tidak pernah menghalang sesiapa masuk ke kuil ini. Tetapi setahu saya, perbuatan memegang babi salah bagi orang Islam.
“Namun mungkin mereka (orang Melayu) yang datang mempunyai alasan tersendiri. Asalkan pengunjung tidak melakukan perkara tidak elok, kami tidak boleh menghalang mereka memasukinya,” kata seorang petugas di kuil yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Ravi, 32.
"... manakala pihak kuil turut menjual nasi lemak yang dibuat khas untuk diberikan kepada babi." (translate: the temple sells nasi lemak that was also being prepared to feed the pigs). I find this sentence to be... errr... as if the food that was prepared was unholy and unhygenic. Hello!! It was not picken up from sewage!!
I think some Muslim "people" just need to stop making some fuss about all this "pig" thing. Okay, I've gotta admit, we shouldn't be superstitious. But hey, stop demonized pig as if when you hear the word "pig" you will die immediately and spend the rest of your life in hell or something like that.
"... “Apa salahnya mencuba nasib. Saya dengar ada orang kena nombor ekor hingga ratusan ribu ringgit apabila mengusap kertas nombor ekor atau wang digunakan untuk membeli nombor ekor kepada badan babi itu,” kata seorang daripada mereka sebelum beredar." (Translation: What is wrong to try my luck. I heard someone won the lottery when they just touch the paper or money on the pig body) --> So face it, MONEY is the main culprit. So I guess "they" should just burn the MONEY before it makes more muslims brethen to be out of mind.
What happen to this world? Arrgghhh...
Coroner: Detainee’s death a misadventure
Read this news on TheStar again.
Coroner: Detainee’s death a misadventure
KUALA LUMPUR: A coroner has ruled there was no criminal element in the death of labourer N. Prakash Moses, who died while in police custody.Yeah, of course, there's no foul-play. Who would believe it anyway?
Coroner Nazran Mohd Sham said the cause of Prakash’s death was due to head injury.
“Based on the evidence adduced from the witnesses, the court has found that the detainee fell by himself. The court classifies it as a misadventure,” he said.
Nazran said Prakash’s fall was at the Jalan Hang Tuah police detention centre, while the detainee died at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) on Feb 18, 2003.
Nazran said this yesterday in his decision in the inquest to determine the cause of death of the father of eight.
Prakash, 40, was among 42 people detained under Ops Tapis around the Chow Kit area at 11pm on Feb 14, 2003 for suspected drug-related offences.
He was later taken to a detention centre.
According to the court papers, there were witnesses who saw him fall at the detention centre.
He was sent to HKL at 9am on Feb 15 for treatment. He was admitted to the intensive care unit on the same day and died three days later.
A port-mortem report by HKL forensic expert Dr Mohammad Shafie Othman cited the head injury caused by the fall as the cause of Prakash’s death.
A total of 17 witnesses testified at the inquest, which began on Feb 4, 2005.
DPP Syaiful Nazrin Mohd Rahim assisted the coroner in the proceedings.
Lawyer Amer Hamzah Arshad, who held a watching brief for Prakash’s family, said the family was considering filing for a revision over the ruling.
The police is clean... yeah, I believed so too... If the police are bad guys, they won't be calling them "police", will they? So, I "believe" police are good man.
Malt drink = beer?
Look at the news I read from TheStar.
The Star Online
The distributor of an Iranian halal non-alcoholic “beer” said that it had never used the term “beer” on their product.Malaysian Iranian Corporation Sdn Bhd executive director Azizi Ahmad said his company realised that Muslims might be concerned about the term “beer” on the Iranian-made drink called Istak.
“Istak is actually a malt drink, which had received the halal certification from the Iranian government 10 years ago,” he told Utusan Malaysia.
He added that Iran was known to impose strict halal regulations on commercial products.
The paper had published concerns from several Islamic NGOs who disagreed with the usage of the term “beer” on the drink.
Azizi said his company had never issued brochures saying that the Istak drink was a “halal beer,” adding that he would contact the NGOs to clarify the matter.
This is just how you interpret it? You can call it whatever that you want, but then a beer is a beer.
There are many ways you can call a thing.
If you have "stolen" something, if you don't call that "stealing" (but to call it "borrowing" from that someone), will you be spare from punishment?
Taking someone thing without the person's permission is called stealing. But if you insist in calling that "borrowing", you know, borrow first, but ask for permission later. Then, will it be considered that you hadn't done something wrong?
You know, "pork" is not "pig", it's just some kind of meat. It's perfectly fine for everyone to eat because it's just a type of "meat", and it's not "pork". So practically, that will eventually make it a "halal" food, am I right? (just make sure it follows the procedure during the killing, and it'll be considered as halal)
If that's the case, why not rename the word "pork" to something else, then we can all enjoy a delicious pork in Malaysia...
Fucking stupid!
Quoted from --> Meaning of Malt Beverages
Malt beverage is an American term for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic fermented beverages, in which the primary ingredient is barley, which has been allowed to sprout ("malt") slightly before it is processed. By far, the most predominant malt beverage is beer, of which there are two main styles: ale and lager. A non-alcoholic beverage brewed in this fashion is technically identical to "non-alcoholic beer." Such a beverage may be prepared by either removing alcohol from the finished product or by using a slightly altered brewing process which yields very little alcohol (technically less than 0.5% by weight).
The term "malt beverage" is often used by trade associations of groups of beer wholesalers (e.g. Tennessee Malt Beverage Association) to avoid any negative connotations associated with beer. Additionally, the term is applied to many other flavored beverages prepared from malted grains to which natural or artificial flavors have been added to make them taste similar to wines, fruits, colas, ciders, or other beverages. This subcategory has been called "malternative," as in Smirnoff Ice (US & French version), or "maltini," as in 3SUM, which also has energy components like caffeine. Marketing of such products in the United States has increased rapidly in recent years.
In most jurisdictions, these products are regulated in a way identical to beer, which allows a retailer with a beer license to sell a seemingly wider product line. This also generally avoids the steeper taxes and stricter regulations associated with distilled spirits.
If it's not a beer, no alcohol contain, why would someone so afraid to drink it?
And so why Muslims in Malaysia drinks RootBeer? Or can they drink it?
Can they be less senstive on words but focus on real issue?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Today, I reached office early morning. And since I've got nothing to do yet, so I just read on some online news and I found this.
The Star --> Najib: Tab into halal market
Well, to me, halal or not, I don't really care... but when I continued reading, I was surprised to read this..
"... These products are among hundreds from various parts of the world, including non-Muslim nations. The pill for erectile dysfunction is from South Korea while the halal beer is from Iran and the quit-smoking aid is from India..."
I don't know anything about "halal", but "halal beer"? In Malaysia? Well, why not just make a law that allow Muslims to drink, instead of calling it a "halal beer". What's next? "halal chivas"? "halal pork"?
Gosh... I think only Malaysia is trying to play god.
Friday, February 13, 2009
My company will soon run the 4-days-work per week.
In other words, PAY-CUT lor!