Today is Sunday, I still wake up very early in the morning. The reason? I've gotta work today, at PWTC.
There have an exhibition there, from MAPEX too "Machine Tool Show".. It seems that the one on property has more visitors that the one in Machine Tool Show. Sigh, today is the last day of MTS, hopefully I can get home early today, you know, at the end of the day, there will be a lot of packing to do.
Okay, up I go to shower... prepare myself, and go to work. You know, the only motivation I have is the "GIRL" next booth.. GRACE Chong.. what a beautiful girl.. (I've eyeing her since first day of exhibition, first day, long pants, second day, long pants, third day, green blouse, fourth day, white blouse, but this time, wearing a white shoe too)..
When you read the news in Malaysia, you will eventually get sad, and hopeless in this country. Looking at the crime that's happening around in Malaysia, plus the political issues, plus the "management" of this country... wtf..
Am I getting old, that I am becoming more and more interested in politics, only to know that this things happened for a long time already, or this kind of issues have just started?
God, please tell me.. is there a light for Malaysia?
This is actually a news from Australia on Malaysia.
Tell me if I want to "save" my "face"... well, I couldn't agree more, even though I am a Malaysian, I don't feel proud of this thing, I felt it's nonsense, and wasting my money too... errr.. Can I not pay tax anymore?
When you talk about violence, try to watch this clip. If I am not mistaken, this clip was taken in HK, a bunch of HK-born girls bullying a China-immigrant girl in HK, I guess. I am not so sure about the story.
Oh well, you know, even myself, always have the thought of becoming violent, but when it comes to the actual act, I chicken out. I guess I'm just belonged to the "gentle" category, eh? lol..
Browsed through another blog, and found this clip. Wow... girls can be so powerful sometimes.. hmm, but hey, take off shirt and fight lah.. let us have a good look at those titties..
When the so-called astronaut went to the space, by using other country's technology, I, as a Malaysia, don't feel proud at all. Why? Because we are just paying (paying by the tax-payers money) him to get to the outer space.
We don't have our space program, we don't have that kind of technology, what the hell are we sending one man to the space? What do we want to show? Why not use that money spent on him to the country, to improve our country's standard of life?
I am not a politician, I don't have that kind of qualify to become a country leader, but what I know is that, they shouldn't have done this stupid, stupid things...
Malaysia boleh? I don't think so...
If we use our own technology, own space program.. etc.. I tell you, I will be the first person that cheer up to that! But... sigh...
It's been a hectic month, and only then I realized that it's been more than a month since I last updated my blog. Well, it's good to be busy sometimes, I guess.
Next week, starting from 24 to 28 October, I will be in PWTC, having an exhibition named Machine Tool Show. Hope alls well, ends well.
Talking about politics, well, really hopeless in Malaysia politics, see the current issues in Malaysia, you can just see a bunch of pigs, just trying to putting up some shows, making us really like a fool in the international eyes.
Well, I don't really care about that, all I want is to be able to survive in this cruelty world. And today is Sunday, and guess what, I woke up in at 6.30am, haha... I am already used to sleep early and wake up early.. kinda like uncle lifestyle already... (ya, going to be 30 next year)..
The Perak Mufti said "Now the rich... now who's having the rich economy in this country... the Indians and the Chinese. They bully the Malays, that we know... that I know."
Err, hello Perak Mufti, whatever-your-name-is, your religion teaches you to spread lies, and blame others for your laziness. How great it is!
You want to be rich, you just gotta work hard. You just can't expect sitting in your house all day long, and out of sudden, a bag of cash will just appear in front of you.. ya.. dream on, stupid ass hole.
Not all Malays are lazy, but most of them, just waiting to be spoon fed and not working hard, and you expect to be rich by doing nothing everything? I wonder how they can have this kind of thinking.
And I wonder why their religion don't teach them to be hardworking, and be a useful person to the society? Strange enough...